Welcome to the Portuguese Court of Auditors

a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), the Portuguese Court of Auditors exercises authority over the legality and sound management of public resources. It conducts a priori, concomitant​, and successive control of public finances, and is empowered to trial and enforce financial liabilities for financial offenses.

It stands as a sovereign bod​y, equal​ in authority to the President of the Republic, the Parliament, the Government, and the ot​her Courts.



​Our vision​ is to promote accountability, quality, ​and responsibility in public finances.

Our mission is to control the legality and the regularity of public revenue and expenditure, rule on the Accounts as required by the Law, deliver opinions on the General State Account and on the Accounts of the Autonomous Regions, assess the quality of public financial management and enforce financial liabilities, exercising such other powers as assigned by Law​.​

Portuguese Court of Auditors is External Auditor for the following international organisations: