The Portuguese Court of Auditors has a collegial Court model with audit and jurisdictional functions, composed of the President and 18 Members. The Members of the PCA, being judges, are irremovable and cannot be liable for their judgments, with certain exceptions provided for by law. The Members are allocated to the five Chambers of the Court (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Azores and Madeira)
Filipa Urbano Calvão
Since 12 October 2024. Appointed by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Government for a four-year tenure
António Francisco Martins
3rd Chamber
| Helena Abreu Lopes
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability VIII European Funding, Environment and Natural Resources |
José F. F. Tavares
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability II Certification of the General State Account
José Mouraz Lopes
3rd Chamber
Paulo Dá Mesquita
3rd Chamber
Ana Furtado
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability I Opinion on the General State Account
Conceição Antunes
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability VI Education and Teaching |
Mário Serrano
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability IV Sovereign Functions |
José Quelhas
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability VII Economic Functions
Fernando Oliveira Silva
On secondment as Director General since 2021-09-01
Maria da Luz Carmezim
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability III Accountability
Paulo Pereira Gouveia
Madeira Regional Chamber
Nuno Ribeiro Coelho
1st Chamber
Luís Pestana Vasconcelos
1st Chamber
| Luís Cracel Viana
2nd Chamber
Area of Responsability V Health, Social Security, Employment and Demography
Sofia David
1st Chamber
Cristina Flora
Azores Regional Chamber
Fátima Mata-Mouros
1st Chamber
Paulo Nogueira Costa
1st Chamber
| | |
(appointed on secondment)
José da Silva Ponte
Francisco José Pinto dos Santos
Vitor Francisco da Cruz melo
Paulo Augusto Guarda de Oliveira Ferreira
Ana Cristina Matono Afonso